داستان آبیدیک

computed tomography


1 عمومی:: توموگرافی کامپیوتری، سی تی اسکن، تصویربرداری حرارتی کامپیوتری، برش نگاری کامپیوتری، توموگرافی کامپیوتری، پرتونگاری مقطعی محاسبه‌ای

Fig. 13.18 Transverse computed tomography (CT) image of the caudal aspect of the nasal cavity in a soft tissue window. Fig. 13.20 Transverse computed tomography (CT) image of the region of the ethmoid labyrinth displayed in a soft tissue window. B is a computed tomography (CT) examination thorough the basisphenoid region in another horse with a basisphenoid-basioccipital fracture. Fig. 13.27 Transverse computed tomography (CT) image of the brain in a soft tissue window. Fig. 13.28 Contrast-enhanced transverse computed tomography (CT) image of the brain.،, severe head trauma and abnormal computed tomography [CT] scan) and the recommended ICP threshold of 22 mm Hg given in the guidelines are more expert- than evidence- based.24,52 The sole randomized clinical trial evaluating the potential benefit of ICP monitoring revealed that ICP moni- toring does not influence long-term outcome after head trauma.47 However, ICP-guided therapy in the context of duration of elevated ICP or in combination with infor- mation from other neuromonitoring devices may allow for individualized therapy of brain-injured patients and, thereby, improve outcome.36 For example, the cumulative ICP-time burden with an ICP of 20 mm Hg for longer than 37 minutes diminishes outcome, whereas shorter periods had no adverse effects.53 Impaired cerebrovascular auto- regulation or a CPP below 50 mm Hg reduces the ability to tolerate an elevated ICP.53 Modern imaging techniques such as CT perfusion or positron emission tomography (PET) The most important diagnostic modalities for uncon- scious and brain-injured patients are CT, including CT and CT-angiography are very efficient methods, while MRI is time consuming but more sensitive for brainstem lesions as well as for axonal injuries. It is important to standardize and categorize CT images for meaningful comparison of therapeutic modalities in clinical trials and for assessment of prognosis.،Technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography (CT), and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have been used to help localize brain- behavior relationships.،The full-digital image processing creates an opportunity similar to the process of "windowing" in computed tomography (CT) when images are digitally enhanced after processing to only show a predefined range of grays better suited to radiation absorption characteristics of the examined organs or to user's interest [4]. With these refer- ence points, theoretical 3D models were created based on a series of 3D CT models and a statistical finite element models. In each case, a volumetric 3D reconstruction was performed based on CT images with 1-mm slices for limb parts and 2-mm slices for spine, and used as references. , results were readily comparable with direct measurements based on 3D CT reconstructions of dried ana- tomical samples [9, 10]. Final results of all validation studies proved EOS(tm) 3D surface reconstructions equally accurate and readily corresponding to 3D CT reconstructions while،in all patients, documented by CT Three-dimensional computed tomography scan (3D CT scan) may be used On computed tomography and postnatal CT scan or MRI of the brain (Fryns et al. 1996 ;CT of the craniofacial bones (c) showed a large

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2 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: توموگرافی کامپیوتری (سی تی اسکن)

There is an increased incidence and prevalence of adrenal gland nodules with age based on the autopsy and computed tomography (CT) imaging studies.264 The adrenal hormonal changes with age include sub- tle increases in serum cortisol levels,265 and signifi- cantly lower DHEA levels266 with increasing age.

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